You have become a mocking -spectacle, an amusement park and a “group home” where the egocentric narcissists gather to masturbate and muse about nothing, at sunrise. Dear Femi, do you really think before you speak? What did the journalist do to you to deserve such inhuman attacks, abuse and disrespect? Why would you dehumanize any human being, especially journalists covering your traveling show, with hurtful words? Who the fuck are you? You are wildly irresponsible, careless and mischievous: stupid, most times, with your disruptive rants…
After you threatened to report the young journalist to his Editor, you boasted rhetorically, as you further humiliated him, thus:
Do You Know Who I Am?.
Well, let me answer that in his defense:
Your rise in Nigeria’s political field of dreams began in 1989 when you were appointed the National Youth leader of the Nigerian National Congress, an emerging political party. In 2003, then President Obasanjo appointed you Special Assistant on Public Affairs. Under baba Iyabo’s Presidency, you rose to hold two Ministerial Portfolios: Culture and Tourism in 2006 and Aviation Minister in 2007. You were the least qualified for those jobs, but I do understand political appointments and all other “Kparakpo” benefactors.
You have become a mocking -spectacle, an amusement park and a “group home” where the egocentric narcissists gather to masturbate and muse about nothing, at sunrise. Dear Femi, do you really think before you speak? What did the journalist do to you to deserve such inhuman attacks, abuse and disrespect? Why would you dehumanize any human being, especially journalists covering your traveling show, with hurtful words? Who the fuck are you? You are wildly irresponsible, careless and mischievous: stupid, most times, with your disruptive rants… your Ministries. Dear Femi Fani Kayode, what happened to those budget allocations, those years that you were Minister? Those who seek equity must come with clean hands. Abi?.
I suspected something might be wrong with your state of mind years ago when you kissed and told all about your failed romance with Bianca Ojukwu. Perhaps, we know now why she rejected you. Which intelligent mature woman would want a juvenile loudmouth as a lover? How could a learned man from a noble family publicly, egotistically and shamelessly describe his past affairs with an ex that was married? Where is your dignity, Femi?
Every generation seeks its hero. Villains of any generation want to become heroes: Femi you are no hero of our generation. You will never be one. You are a careless disturbance, a villain spewing hates and division to seek attention, recognition so as to be idolized. Many shall be called, but you will never be the chosen one. Sadly, the more you rave incoherently, the worse you expose your foolishness. You are the greatest phony and fake masquerade at any given Christmas. Shame on you for humiliating the young reporter just because he asked hard and necessary questions. Your reactions showed that you are deception.
Azuka Jebose