Primary Health Care Under One Roof (PHCUOR) is a Primary Health Care (PHC) reform agenda driven by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA). The reform is aimed at reversing fragmentation in primary health care delivery at sub-national levels by bringing PHC management, human resources, financing and operational responsibilities under one State level body, the State Primary Health Care Board (SPHCB).
In 2011, the 56th National Council on Health (NCH) adopted PHCUOR as a national policy for implementation by States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Further to the adoption, the 58th NCH in 2013 approved the PHCUOR Implementation Guidelines, which detail the institutional framework for PHCUOR. The framework has nine pillars with respective criteria. The nine pillars are Governance and Ownership, Legislation, Minimum Service Package (MSP), Repositioning, Systems Development, Operational Guidelines, Human Resources, Funding Sources & Structure and Office Setup.
The NPHCDA, in collaboration with the SPHCBs and partners, periodically assess the establishment levels of the PHCUOR institutional framework across the nine pillars using the scorecard as a tool. The level of implementation of the PHCUOR policy is monitored through a national Scorecard assessment exercise covering all thirty-six States and the FCT. The PHCUOR Scorecard assessment measures the progress towards achieving the full implementation of the PHCUOR policy. It also serves as an advocacy tool to aid decision makers, health policy advisors, legislators, governing bodies, managers and other stakeholders drive the changes required to strengthen PHC systems in their states. So far, five scorecard assessments have been conducted with results widely disseminated.
The most recent scorecard assessment is the PHCUOR Scorecard 6 which was conducted in August/September 2022. The objectives were to: (a) assess the current establishment status of PHCUOR institutional framework in the 36 States and FCT, (b) compare individual state progress in establishing the framework across Scorecards 4, 5 and 6, (c) systematically identify weak areas within the PHCUOR framework for individual states and recommend necessary support to improve states performances and (d) generate evidence for use in advocacy to government and non-government stakeholders on primary health care reform in Nigeria
The data collected during the 2022 national PHCUOR scorecard 6 assessment exercise have been analysed leading to di findings and appropriate recommendations contained in this report. The PHCUOR Scorecard 6 report will be disseminated nationwide to facilitate improved establishment of the PHCUOR institutional framework by the 36 SPHCBs and FCTPHCB.
Dr. Faisal Shuaib MD, MPH, Dr.PH, OON
Executive Director/CEO
Yet we are being made to believe that under Dr Okezie Ikpeazu healthcare collapsed in Abia State.
Note that this is a federal government of Nigeria report which scored Abia 100%.
Those who know the work Dr Ikpeazu did in Abia will always tell you that he was deliberate and never approved propaganda as a tool in governance. Posterity and reports like will anchor his place in history.