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Achieve your life goals with a vision board
Vision boards have helped many across the world achieve their dreams and aspirations; celebs like Katy Perry , Ellen Degeneres, Oprah and Beyonce have openly spoken about using it to realize personal goals.
A vision board is a tool that helps you clarify, believe and focus on particular life goals. It is a board of any kind on which you display images and quotes that depict your life goals and aspirations, it lets you articulate your life goals so clearly that they become achievable. It is important to put vision boards where they can be seen regularly; this visually stimulates the mind to take steps to realize the goals on the board.
Here are a few things a vision board does
– Makes you think seriously about your life goals and envision them such that they become more specific.
– Creates a positive vibe that keeps you believing in your dreams and aspirations.
– Keeps you focused by constantly reminding you to of the things that truly matter to you.
How to create a vision board
This activity does not require much and there are no definite rules to it.
Simply make out time; get a board, images, quotes, markers, pins (or anything to attach stuff to the board). These images and quotes should be ones that inspire and motivate you in a certain way, you can cut them out of magazines or print them off the internet.
It is best to create your vision board at a time you can focus, write down specific goals you desire to achieve in the different areas of your life- financial, relationships, business, career, emotional, spiritual…. Sort out images and quotes that represent them, attach the images and quotes to the board in a way that makes sense to you.
Place the board where you can get a glimpse regularly
Update/re-do the board whenever you feel necessary.
Written by Yemi Olajide

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